IC 5146 – Cocoon Nebula

IC 5146 or SH2-125 also known as the Cocoon Nebula, is a captivating celestial object nestled within the Cygnus constellation. Located approximately 4,000 light-years away from Earth, this nebula is a stellar nursery where new stars are born.

The nebula earned its nickname due to its distinct appearance resembling a cocoon, with a dark lane of dust obscuring the central star cluster. IC 5146 spans about 15 light-years and is a prime example of a reflection nebula, where starlight reflects off surrounding interstellar dust.

Within this cosmic nursery, young stars emerge from dense clouds of gas and dust. Their energetic radiation ionizes the surrounding hydrogen gas, causing it to emit a soft, red glow characteristic of many nebulae.

Observing IC 5146 provides astronomers with valuable insights into the processes of star formation and the evolution of stellar clusters. The Hubble Space Telescope and ground-based observatories have captured stunning images of this stellar nursery, contributing to our understanding of the universe’s ongoing celestial symphony.

IC 5146 stands as a testament to the beauty and complexity of our cosmic neighborhood, inviting both amateur and professional astronomers to gaze into the depths of space and marvel at the wonders it holds.

Capture Details:
Date Image captured: several sessions between 6/17/2022 and 11/7/2023
Telescope: Celestron Nexstar 8se
Reducer/Flattener: Celestron .63x Reducer/Flattener
Filter: Optolong L-Pro Optolong L-Extreme
Camera: ZWO ASI294 MC
Mount: Skywatcher EQM-35 Pro
Total Captured: 240 mix of 180, 300, and 600 seconds
Total Time: 17 hours 35 minutes
Capture Software: N.I.N.A.
Guiding: PHD2, ZWO asi120mm mini
Processed in: PixInsight

Additional details on Astrobin.com.