Introduction: Messier 45, commonly known as the Pleiades or Seven Sisters, is a mesmerizing open star cluster located in the constellation Taurus. This celestial wonder has captivated astronomers and stargazers alike for centuries. With its striking beauty and rich mythology, the Pleiades cluster continues to fascinate and inspire wonder among those who observe it.
Overview and Formation: The Pleiades cluster is a young, relatively nearby star cluster, estimated to be around 100 million years old. It consists of several hundred stars, although only a handful are visible to the naked eye. The cluster is dominated by hot, blue stars, and its prominent stars emit a vivid blue glow, making it easily recognizable in the night sky.
The Stars of Pleiades: Alcyone, Maia, Electra, Merope, Taygeta, Celaeno, and Asterope are the seven most prominent stars in the Pleiades cluster. These stars are relatively young and have yet to evolve off the main sequence. However, there are many more stars within the cluster that are not visible to the naked eye, varying in size, temperature, and age.
Mythology and Cultural Significance: The Pleiades hold a special place in various mythologies and cultures around the world. In Greek mythology, the stars represent the Seven Sisters, daughters of Atlas and Pleione. The cluster’s name, Pleiades, derives from this mythological background. Different cultures, such as the Aboriginal people of Australia, the Maya civilization, and the Native American tribes, have their own legends and names for this cluster.
Observing the Pleiades: The Pleiades cluster is easily visible from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, making it accessible to a wide range of observers. In dark skies, it can be seen with the naked eye as a small group of stars resembling a tiny dipper. Binoculars or a small telescope reveal even more stars and enhance the viewing experience, allowing observers to appreciate the cluster’s intricate details.
Scientific Importance: Aside from its cultural significance, the Pleiades cluster plays an important role in astronomical research. Scientists study the cluster to better understand the formation and evolution of stars. The cluster’s proximity allows for detailed observations and investigations into stellar properties, such as stellar atmospheres, ages, and compositions.
Conclusion: Messier 45, the Pleiades cluster, stands as a celestial marvel, both visually captivating and scientifically significant. Its bright blue stars and rich mythological background continue to inspire awe and curiosity among sky gazers. Whether you observe it for its beauty or delve into its scientific mysteries, the Pleiades remains a timeless wonder that connects us to the vast expanse of the universe.
Capture Details
Date Image captured: 11/11/20
Telescope: Celestron Powerseek 80azs
Reducer/Flattener: N/A
Filter: N/A
Camera: Canon Rebel T6
Total Captured: 55 x 30 seconds
Total Time: 27 Minutes 30 seconds
Capture Software: Backyard EOS
Guiding: N/A
Processed in: Deep Sky Stacker, Adobe Photoshop