NGC 3675

NGC 3675: A Stunning Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major
NGC 3675 is a beautiful spiral galaxy located in the constellation Ursa Major, approximately 50 million light-years away from Earth. This intermediate spiral galaxy is classified as SA(s)b, meaning it has well-defined spiral arms but lacks a prominent bar structure at its center. It has a bright central bulge surrounded by swirling arms filled with young, hot stars, gas, and dust.

Discovery and Characteristics
NGC 3675 was discovered by William Herschel on April 14, 1789. Herschel, a German-born British astronomer, was known for his extensive deep-sky surveys that led to the discovery of thousands of celestial objects.

The galaxy has a diameter of about 90,000 light-years, making it slightly smaller than the Milky Way. Its core is densely packed with stars, while its spiral arms contain star-forming regions where new stars are being born. Observations show that NGC 3675 has an active galactic nucleus (AGN), suggesting the presence of a supermassive black hole at its center.

Why NGC 3675 Is Important
Star Formation – The galaxy’s spiral arms contain rich clouds of gas and dust, providing a laboratory for studying how stars form and evolve.
Galaxy Evolution – Its structure and composition help astronomers understand how spiral galaxies develop over billions of years.
Supermassive Black Hole – The presence of an AGN offers insights into how black holes influence their host galaxies.
NGC 3675 is a fascinating deep-space target for both professional and amateur astronomers. Its bright nucleus and well-defined structure make it a great object for observation, especially through medium to large telescopes.

Capture Details:
Telescope: Celestron Nexstar 8se
Filter: Optolong L-Pro
Camera: ZWO ASI294 MC Pro
Mount: Juwei-17
 Total Time: 139×120″ 4 hours 38 minutes
Capture Software: N.I.N.A.
Guiding: PHD2, ZWO asi120mm mini
Processed in: PixInsight
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